today i crudly and quickly made myself a custom rubberstamp suitable for letterboxing. this evening we set out on our first letterboxing adventure.
we arrived at the park where the letterbox was hidden shortly after 7pm. we followed the clues and were quickly able to tell that we were on the right track. with every passing minute and each new bug-bite we thought we were getting really close to finding the box. our sparkling new rubber stamps were aching to find a notepad somewhere amidst the trees and bugs.
we felt that we were closing in on the target, when suddenly our clues seemed to become jumbled. when once there was order, all of the sudden things didn't quite make sense. we thought we found the place where the letterbox was hidden, but we could not find it, and we were not sure of some of the turns we made. we left without finding the box, but we were all sure that it had to be there somewhere.
we followed the clues out of the area and ended up walking for at least 2 miles. we ended back at our truck after having spent more than an hour and a half walking through the bug infested woods of west michigan.
we all feel that we were close to finding the letterbox, but we were not completely prepared for the hunt that followed once we got to the site. we will probably try this again in a day or two, but tonight it's just good to sit and rest for a little while
i guess it's been 6 weeks now since i was down sized, and i haven't had a boring moment yet. it seems like looking for a new job has become almost a full time job in itself. i've had a number of interviews and a lot of phone conversations, but nothing has turned into an offer. this week has been a bit slower, i suspect the upcoming holiday has dampered the prospects.
there are only about a million and a half things i need to do around the house while i'm without a job. i've already painted the living room and now i'm getting ready to clean and seal the driveway. the valve on the swimming pool filter cracked and i fixed that last week. i've got a dead apple tree in the back yard and a couple huge tree branches that have broken off that need to be cut down. not to mention, i'm now the official mr. mom.
i've made it my goal to give my kids a great summer, but in this particular area, i think i'm failing. i keep trying to do cool things with them, but all i hear is "i'm so bored..."
when i was told that my company didn't need my help anymore, i immediately saw sights of rest and relaxation in my future. i don't know where that went, i've been busier than ever the last 6 weeks. maybe one of these days i'll get a job and have the chance to relax a little again.